Coming this Fall 2004
Slaves, Salt, Sex & Mr. Crenshaw
The Real Story of the Old Slave House and America's Last Station on the Reverse Underground R.R.

Now Available
Gallatin County, Illinois, Slave & Emancipation Records, 1839-1849 - Buy it now! Gallatin County, Illinois, Slave & Emancipation Records, 1839-1849
John W. Allen's 1950 transcription of the now-missing second slave registry.

Handbook of Old Gallatin County and Southeastern Illinois - Buy it now! Handbook of Old Gallatin County & Southeastern Illinois
The must-have book for any southeastern Illinois genealogist or researcher.

New budget keeps Old Slave House closed
Old Slave House
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (Aug. 1, 2004) — The early draft of this story was headlined, "Keep your fingers crossed on budget". After 54 days in overtime, the General Assembly finally passed a state budget for the fiscal year that began last month. Gov. Rod Blagojevich signed the budget last Friday after he returned from the Democratic National Convention in Boston.

While in Springfield in May, I drifted over to the Statehouse to check in with various lawmakers to see if anything good might happen for the Old Slave House. Surprisingly, at that point there was a hint at good news.

Local state Rep. Brandon Phelps, D-Norris City, had been talking with the governor and his staff about the house and some type of appropriation this year. He wouldn’t confirm anything, but he was supposed to meet with the governor later that afternoon.

Despite his efforts and the governor's promises, nothing ever surfaced in any of the budget bills that showed anything for the Old Slave House. At least he tried, which is more than some can say.

Assistant House Majority Leader Lou Jones, D-Chicago, one of the members of the Legislative Black Caucus who visited the house back in 1997 on a trip organized by Brandon’s uncle, then-state Rep. David Phelps, also told me she would use her own influence with House Speaker Michael Madigan to try to get some funding if the governor didn’t come through.

The problem has been for a number of years now that Illinois faces a major structural budget deficit, which isn’t supposed to happen in a state that requires a balanced budget. That’s just one of the reasons why Open it NOW! has been urging a public-private partnership be developed where the state turns over the operations of the Old Slave House to a regional non-profit group.

For the first time Jones and state Sen. Donne E. Trotter, D-Chicago, chairman of one of the Senate’s appropriation committees as well as chairman of the Black Caucus, seemed to agree that the site had the track record of self-sufficiency that could justify such a partnership.

Meanwhile, with no funding we’re right back where we started. We've been here before, but maybe this time more people are on board and something will be done.
— Jon Musgrave


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